Sunday, 23 June 2013

Waitakere - Day 2

Mine and Hunters first night in hospital was long and lonely.  I cried and cried.  I was phoning Mathew telling him I couldn't do it, it was too hard and I was scared.  He told me over and over that I could do it, I was strong and needed to be strong for Hunter.  We got through the night but Hunter had fed poorly and was increasingly hard to wake.

I expressed my concerns to the nurses that visited our room but as with the Dr at Apollo Centre my concerns were dismissed.  Just as I did the time before I pressed on and went with my gut.  Early that morning I asked to see a doctor.  I wanted to discuss Hunters condition and get some reassurance regarding his condition.  The Doctors were busy at that time but someone would be around by 8am.

8am came and went, Mathew had arrived by this time and also wanted to see a doctor as it was obvious to him that Hunter was worse.  I rang the bell to ask again to see a doctor.  13 minutes went by and no nurses came to see us.  I went out to find one myself to be told that the doctors were busy with other children and other emergencies.  My 8 day old son who I could barely wake  wasn't an emergency.  

Another few hours of waiting went by.  Nurses came in, looked at the machine administering Hunters medicine then left.  They didn't speak to us, they didn't look at Hunter.  Just looked at the machine.

That evening I was not letting Mathew go home.  My Mum was now down from Whangarei, she would have Cooper and Mat could stay with Hunter and I.  I needed the support.  Visiting hours had closed before we got to see a doctor - after 8pm.  The doctor who saw us said that Hunters condition was a far different picture to that stated in his notes and had she known this she would have seen him sooner. I was told to lay a complaint.  

By morning Hunter had a feeding tube up his nose and into his stomach.  He was on oxygen and had been booked in for a CT Scan of his brain.    

The scan of his brain showed nothing abnormal but we were told we would be transferred to Starship.

Mathews tears started now too.

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