Friday, 21 June 2013

My Three Boys

Finally we were home!  Time to start our lives with our newest addition.  
Me and my three boys.  I was going to be super-mum.  

Quickly we organised the house to suit our two kids, basinette in the bedroom, nappies upstairs and down, wipes, cloths in case of spills.  All done.  

The first night I bathed Cooper and Mat minded Hunter, he'd slept most of the afternoon except for topping up his tummy.  Only one moment of chaos when both kids were screaming.  We sat back and laughed at this because it was exactly what we wanted - a busy house focused around our children.

Mathews Mum came over that evening and spent some time having cuddles with tiny Hunter.  I said to Fi about how he'd slept most of the afternoon which she replied, newborns sleep a lot and I have to remember he is pre-term, small, had a long labour and is a bit jaundiced.  I clearly remember saying "OK, so he's fine".

He was due to wake at about 8pm and he tended to stay up for a couple of hours cluster feeding so I was prepared for this.  It's funny how quickly you get to know your baby's routine.  It was nearing 9pm and he hadn't woken.  Normally I wouldn't wake a newborn for feeds but he was so small I thought I had better make sure he was eating enough.  I took of his nappy to make him wake up.  As soon as he was awake he was hungry and began feeding. 

That night he woke just twice.  What a good boy!

Day two at home.  We spent the day mucking around, did some grocery shopping as a family of four.  Took some fun photos of the three boys and just generally hung out as the happy family we were.

Day three at home things changed.

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