Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Dear Hunter

This morning I woke to find over 200 people had read your story. Going to bed this evening over 2,000 people from around the world have read about you.

I am proud to share your story and talk about you.  You deserve it.

It has been just over five weeks since you got your wings.  I am struggling to feel you with me but I know that one day soon I will start to feel your presence, just out of reach.  Daddy knows you are with him.  He got your hand prints tattooed on his arm.

I am having a necklace made out of the moulds that were taken when we were at Starship, they are shrinking your tiny feet even tinier and setting them in silver for me to put on a chain.  I should have it this week or next.

The last few nights have not been so good for me.  I dreamt about you all night then woke up and remembered it was just a dream.  Daddy has started back at Crossfit so he is leaving really early and I've been waking up alone. Being alone is the hardest.

A psychic said that when a baby passes over who is too young to make decisions of their own about how they will remain on the other side that their Mum decides for them.  If their Mum wants them to grow up then through the memories that Mum creates that baby will grow up.  I will let you grow Hunter, you're going to grow big and strong like Dad and Cooper.  At just over six weeks old you are starting to chub up, you are smiling and cooing.  

I love you Hunter.   


  1. Dear Joanna, Mathew, Cooper and little baby Hunter,
    My daughter Jess sent us your incredibly heart breaking story via your link. Your heartbreak, what happened to your family and your love for your baby has touched me deeply I have tears streaming down my face for you and yours.
    I just want to say that you are a fine and beautiful person Joanna. Most obviously the best mother both Cooper and Hunter could ever have. You did your upmost for Hunter as soon as you could as soon as you knew that something was not right. Most mothers would go with the professionals advice but you went with your instinct as you knew deep down that something was not right. I commend you making such a stand for your baby...you were courageous and fierce to stand like that. A mother's love knows no bounds.
    I have never lost a baby...I cannot identify with you and your heartbreak in that manner but I CAN identify with you and your heart with what you have shared, your heartbreak, your trauma and your extreme love for Hunter. What a beautiful mother heart you have, your love is amazing and knows no end.
    You have learnt so much in life in a way that no one should have to learn. Thank you for sharing you love for your son and family with us all. I so appreciate it and you will be in my thoughts continually and I send much love your way.
    Kim Hollis xxx

    1. I just sent an email to Jess to give you before I realised I can reply right here.
      Thank you for your message, like me you have written straight from your heart. Jess will have an email to forward you. Take Care

  2. Dear Joanna, Mathew and Cooper
    Jessie sent me this. I have a 15mth old and my heart is hurting so much and the tears are rolling down my face reading your story, I couldn't ever imagine what you've just been through. I am so sorry, I don't really know what to say, but just know that people around the world are sending you love and support.
    Even though your heart is heavy, find your strength and way forward in the smile and laughter of Cooper.
    Thinking of you
    Sam. xx

  3. Thanks Sam, I have seen photos of your beautiful kids (a little girl and a baby boy?). You are lucky to have such perfect little ones. Give them hugs.
    Cooper is our little rock.
